onsdag 10 april 2024

The India Question

The unspoken, but still valid assumption that China is inadequately discussed and debated in the talk of the new world order, replicates itself as the world's most populous democracy (or is that "most popular" democracy...? Some, and as for now migrant flows, may differ...) and now populous (or popular) country full stop - no discussions on micro-states here - and whether India, seventy-five and some years since independence from the colonial, outspokenly imperial grasp of the Britain then still an empire... a fact so very changed in the infancy of never-Emperor Charles I(II) will take a place and shape, as well as being shaped by a successive string of foreign rulers and invaders since the Original Aryans and before. Never before, since the rise of the American experiment on the world stage and likely not since long before that, has an actor been so unspokenly derided, insulted without the slightest intention 

Why is that? 

Folkets val

Om något i livet är säkert, för att inleda den första svenska krönikan (?) på läänge med en parafras på den olycksdrabbade hemvändande sonen Corleone, så är det att utträdarna (khawarij, på det ädla arabiska tungomålet) Sara Skyttedal och Jan Emanuel Johanssons - en duo osedvanligt igenkännbar genom sina ömse akronym - nya parti inte kommer att bli en större succé. Men det kan vara på plats att diskutera vad som här, och mycket senkommet, väntar på att födas, och 

De utkastades osköna nya allians. 

Detta, en 

tisdag 9 april 2024

A New Era, and the Brunt of this Green New World of ours

With regard to the challenges of the future 

I solemnly acknowledge I haven't given this topic full coverage, as I have given no topic in the latest years, or any time before, and for that reason there is, I hope, particular venom to appreciate this particular angle. Not only is humanity facing multiple crises broadly interlinked and related to overconsumption, overpopulation and over-technologisation (for this particular, nasty, truth, see Jevons paradox, no apostrophe, and then compare to the ever-pliant and ever-reproducing Amish, who will inherit the American earth if scary demographic trends is anything to go by) but also biting itself in the foot in the brave attempt at eluding these crises, tightening the proverbial noose by outsourcing , further stoking a paradoxical dependence on primitive fossil fuels in the process of abandoning them and jumping ship. 

Undoubtedly, these crises interlinked will herald a new era of unassailable and incalculable proportions, altering the equilibrium for human survival on earth (admittedly, a very precautious and precise one at first, and it sure has been worse, even in the absence of thermonuclear device which, then, would mostly have been thought as an obliquely clever machination to preserve heat) and, in all likelihood and with some inherited optimism, providence or god or our unmade nature will not be completely erased, although conditions as well as the purported loss of death - or rather premature death - will mean incalculable psychological harm for those lucky to carry the torch through the new era. As the Klown once mused at the prospects of a television-free future, egotistically recognising his jugular for what it is, the survivors may well envy the dead. 

Carrying the weight of the future... or its obstacle, rooted in an economic order not nestled in the consideration of further hundreds, or millions, of generations but the development of humanity beyond the capacity of its (current) habitation, with consequences blooming those beyond the capacity of readily available remedies. Malthus or techno-hubris, the adaption of the future within the confines of the present does, no doubt, pose the greatest question above the horizon since the advent of nuclear weapons, and since well before and beyond it. 

The development of this conundrum, posed by a combination of a post-industrial order without which we would sooner not endure (would not, most of us, now even in Third World countries, foreclosing any vague fantasy of returning to the past by those deeming themselves most progressive) and the population explosion permitted, if not demanded, by this greatest revolution, having now advanced into the stage of micro-chips, the ever-present "smartphone" and the purposed Artificial Intelligence now born like a prodigal son, a digital Zeus - or, as Nietzsche would have it, the sons of Adam - developed into a stage to slay its parent. 
And then, perhaps - which is often, and perhaps too often professed - maybe a great remedy is beyond our grasp? Beyond the question of human nature, determinism and representative democracy, which all put certain definite, if not immalleable constraints, on our collective decision-making, akin to the surgeon with a scalpel determined to dig out a cancerous but young tumour from his own belly, or collectively expected to do so to a third party by and before an audience, an example realised by group psychology, mental training and sectarianism, but often to great condemnation and resistance, there is perhaps variables not exactly determined, but which we have avoided in our attempt to rationalise our existence as well as the importance of human agency. To this, I can only offer a sigh of unresigned acceptance, of "well, at least I tried". 

McMurphy failed, or so we think at least, but the goal - undesirable or dangerous illusion - of breaking the window was reached. We would better put up resistance, and at the worst, we will have completely readjusted our economy . This has been done, gloriously or in vain, as it were, in response to the German, and Japanese (Italians need not bother) military threat to dominate the globe - meaning, as it still frequently does, the Eurasian landmass, or quite a lot thereof - and the result, for the survivors that is, was not necessarily bad, Stalinist and post-colonial (now inevitable, due to German-Japanese efforts) resettlements and re-drawings of maps without rulers notwithstanding. On the contrary, both for the colonial liberator (and post-colonial technocrat, at best) and European rising from the ashes, the following decades are frequently thought of as the best, the epitome of human existence, barring that question of nuclear warfare between he new, undisputed victors. Would this, a prospect of an "unnecessary" restoration, be something undesirable? Either we die, or many of us will die much sooner than they would have preferred, not because of but regardless of efforts to escape the same, or we survive knowing the neuroses of a great collective of scientists was just that... a collective response to certain trends, pointing fatefully, but ultimately misguidingly (is that a word?) towards a great need to sudden and dramatic adaption, no box office. 

The core question, leading me back to the topics I like to discuss, is that of external consequences and ulterior motives. The latter, usually not a concern of mine, is that of using the adaptive measures to 

The contradiction of new tech, its demands and the prospects for further consumption (the advent of independent currencies being one major demon to slay, although its demarcation by paying for its ecolocial effects would be more desirable) 

What then - as the now forgotten Russian author immemorialised by his reader V. I. Ulyanov, also more famous under a name of his own hand - is to be done? 

onsdag 27 mars 2024

The Nobel Prize, the economy, and the laureate

"The Nobel laureate has died." Few words put a greater spell of insecurity, i.e. the sense of not feeling certain as to what my sentiments should be, as these aforementioned. 

The fact that this bank, whatever the decisions made within it, or the collective of minds having made their bread from it, is celebrated and was being dignified with this prize is, particularly to the Swedish mind, impossibly endearing, especially as a statement to a country which still finds it hard to be just a country. This is, however, a slightly chauvinistic point and certainly not justifying the grand exemption from the ironclad no-waterskiing-behind-the-Nobel-coattails rule. 

I have, however, felt a great joy over the varying disciplines - as opposed to the, justifiably, but not always defensibly so, predictable slate of Medicine, Physics, Chemistry laureates, and perhaps the same could be spoken for Literature - included in the vast, and perhaps controversial, line of Nobel economics" laureates. And no less so in knowldge of the work underlying some of them. And none, perhaps, speaks less to this than professor Kahneman, the psychologist who . Neurosurgery and neuroscience, which advances vastly beyond the Medicine discipline (as long as the, also very welcome, decision to grant aforementioned prize to Mr. Pääbo, again with the flag-touting chauvinism) 

måndag 18 mars 2024

The Virtue of Not Staying Silent

For years, it is said, the European Union has stayed silent on the topic of Israel, or more to the point on the (hardly contentious) point of Israeli settlers, in particular those not endorsed, in their occupation, even by the hitherto misnamed IDF and the nascently fascist, or so I am told, Netanyahu cabinet. This is all untrue, of course, because thus far and to go on, different European countries - with or without nuclear arsenals, and with or without membership in the democratic, liberal organisation said to embody the values of the continent, to the point of embodying the "continent" itself - have denounced, in the starkest terms 

What is particular about the meek utterances from the Brussels grayhairs, indeed, is the joint notion, ringing across the Atlantic, that resistance must be offered, however futile and feeble, against the Netanyahu government in its historic extremism, or mayhaps ahistoric extremism, in general and its Gaza "policies" in particular. This, spoke Brussels, is a line best not crossed. Realistically, however, it is not . And for its flaws, the Netanyahu government embodies the dreams of illiberal, or non-liberal democrats, being enslaved to no constitution, no supranational organisations, no outside body politic, only those , and the honorary Arab Israelis descendant from the unexpelled. 

fredag 15 mars 2024

The Virtue of Staying Silent

Silence is, indubitably, a virtue of many societies - and not just governments, or autocracies in general - though it has never been one of mine. 

On this note, the very predictable, and predictably attainted argument that Israeli war crimes, if we are to agree on that label at least (the possibility, at least, which does not exclude Hamas from the same) must not be compared to the crimes inflicted on the Jewish people, or millions of Jews to the tally of millions as well as a fewer number of Roma and a higher number of Slavs, lest the comparison is to be a wider insult than mere exaggeration of the volatile and sometimes violent acts of Israel, as a Jewish state. 

Further, the presumed contradiction between Israel's acts and its status as a democratic state, although not necessarily as a Jewish one (though more than a few rabbis, generally in the outlier, would assent to the latter criticism) is, if not entirely valid, quite cumbersome. 

Why then, should he shut up? With droves of "zoomer" voters going from verbal stormtroopers for the Biden-Harris-DNC cause, into political oblivion , of empty papers and Camelot scions, why not retest in part the argument for Israel, in part the vocabulary our debates on that topic is taking? First, by 

måndag 11 mars 2024

The death of the caliphate, a century later


When asked, by my tidy self, how to propose a "national day" for the secularists of the world - the broader Western world often bolstered with the near Russians steppes, the swathes of Africa separated from the rest of the continent by the Saharas, and the Orient so mysterious, yet so familiar compared to the lands beyond the Indus, since Alexander and before - I was relatively quick to propose March 3. Asides from personal arbitrary mnemonics - my mother being born on the 1st, and my oldest cousin and dearest friend on the 2nd, I